Rail Cargo Carrier - Croatia doo is the Croatian subsidiary of Rail Cargo Group, a company within the Austrian state railways ÖBB and novi licensed passenger carrier for the provision of railway passenger transport services in the Republic of Croatia. A special train carrying passengers made a trip in the Republic of Croatia for the first time.
Otherwise, in the last quarter of 2023. HŽ Passenger transport doo transported 29 percent more passengers compared to the same period in 2022, while the number of passenger kilometers decreased by 0,2 percent.
Indicators of freight rail transport indicate that the trend of decreasing goods transport was stopped in the last quarter of last year. In that period, 0,7 percent more goods were transported by rail freight compared to the same period in 2022, with 8,8 percent less realized ton kilometers. At the same time, freight carriers increased their revenues from the transportation of goods by 0,7 percent.
Historic freight carrier, HŽ Cargo doo, transported almost 10 percent less goods with 17,8 percent fewer ton kilometers, while other freight railway carriers transported 7,7 percent more goods and achieved 1,7 percent more ton kilometers.
At the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, HŽ Cargo doo had a share of 36,2 percent of the total transported goods and 48,4 percent of realized ton kilometers. Out of a total of 19 freight railway carriers, 13 were commercially active, and six carriers did not transport goods in the mentioned period.
Market indicators of railway services are available on the Internet Croatian Regulatory Agency for Network Activities (HAKOM).
Photo: Goran Horvat / Pixabay