Croatia is naturally yours - maples planted in the archaeological park of Sopot

The Tourist Board of the town of Vinkovci joined the campaign "Croatia naturally yours" again this year.


November 19, 2024

The Croatian Tourist Board has launched a project to encourage the development of sustainable tourism under the name "Croatia Pridnovo Tvoja" which aims to plant additional trees in tourist destinations to reduce the carbon footprint caused by, among other things, increased tourist activity. 

The Tourist Board of the town of Vinkovci joined this campaign again this year. This is done in cooperation with the Administrative Department of Municipal Management and Planning of the City of Vinkovci and the Florist Company planted 10 maple seedlings right on the site of the Sopot archaeological park. The trees will continue to be taken care of by Cvjećarstvo doo

The total value of the project is slightly more than 2.000,00 euros, while HTZ co-finances the project in the amount of €1.348,29.

Croatia is naturally your so-called Vinkovci

Each seedling is marked with the label "Croatia naturally yours" and entered into the "Map my tree" planting monitoring application of the European Environment Agency.

Source and photo: Tourist Board of Vinkovci


November 19, 2024