The approved funds in the amount of EUR 179.900 for the Papuk Geopark project component will be invested in complete and partial reconstructions of the explored tumuli in the area of the Kaptol archaeological site, in the part of the Kaptol-Gradci necropolis, and the introduction of virtual reality technology for tumuli III and IV, which will provide the project with an additional dose of attractiveness .
Namely, the projectDanube Geotour plus' of which he is the bearer Nature and Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen Austria has received a positive decision on financing through the Transnational Cooperation Program of the Danube Region 2021-2027.
On a project worth almost 2,3 million euros ten project partners from the countries of the Danube region are participating - Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.
The only partner from Croatia is Geopark Papuk to which the Požega-Slavonska County will be an associated strategic partner in the realization of the project above Kaptol.
The county will, in addition, create an Elaborate for the sustainable management of destinations of specific forms of tourism, communicated are from Požega-Slavonia County.
"The archaeological park and the Kaptol tumuli project are of strategic importance for the Požega-Slavonia County and the artifacts found are of exceptional value, not only in terms of scientific research, but also in terms of the tourist development of this area. We are extremely happy about the approved significant funds, as it ensures the continuity we strive for", said the prefect Antonija Jozic.
In addition to the already realized projects, the reconstruction of the tumulus, as well as those projects that are yet to come, the goal is to use the potential of finds from the older Iron Age in this area and create new, competitive contents that will position the municipality of Kaptol and the entire county on the tourist map of Croatia and Europe, Jozic added.
Photo: Plavo Blu d.o.o.