We continue to record various loud reflections on sustainable tourism throughout Croatia.
The first goal is to reach 100 hr tourism express and thus focus on the broader concept of sustainable tourism, from different perspectives and stakeholders of the tourism sector. Because live tourism is much more than one definition.
hrturism espresso: Martina Pernar Škunca, head of marketing at Paška sirana and president of the Association of Pag Cheese Producers.
"For me, sustainable tourism, that is, for us producers: is SUPPORT. One of the principles of sustainable tourism is the support of LOCAL or AUTHENTIC products.", emphasizes Pernar Škunca.
See what else Pernar Škunca said about sustainable tourism in the new hrturism espresso.
In 30 seconds, while I make you an espresso, can you tell me what sustainable tourism is for you? Write what sustainable tourism is for you in the comments.
See hturism espresso series on YouTube channel hrturism and don't forget to press subscribe, i.e. subscribe to the channel in order to follow the series hrturizam espresso about sustainable tourism.