Although the media is reporting on a very good tourist season this year in Croatia, some other indicators have also started to appear. Or at least in certain sectors of tourism..
Nautical tourism is renowned as an elite branch of tourist activity in Croatia and every year it records growth in all aspects: growth in supply, growth in arrivals, but also growth in prices. The number of vessels on the Adriatic, the number of charter vessels for rent and the number of berths increased. But does our sea have any limits and how far could it go?
Impressions from the "field" speak in favor of the fact that some limits have already been reached. Namely, today it is practically impossible to find a small, hidden cove where you can anchor your boat, without at least a dozen boats around you. In sheltered bays for the night, the crowd is even more crowded.
Boaters who visited us twenty years ago remember the experience of anchoring in a deserted bay and point out that there is no money that can be used to pay for such a vacation. But today such a thing is just a dream...
Decline in boat rental prices
In order not to talk only about impressions, let's look at some real statistical data. Agency for yacht rental Yacht-Rent updates the movement data every few days price and occupancy of the vessel in the charter and that on a sample of approximately 85% of all charter vessels in Croatia. Such a large sample gives a very good picture of the real situation and fairly accurate average values.
The price per vessel could be misleading considering that there are different types and sizes of vessels for rent. Therefore, let's look at the weekly price of the boat rental, but per person. The price per person is calculated by dividing the price per vessel by the maximum number of persons on the vessel, which then gives a more realistic representation.
The graph shows that this price has been constantly increasing with the exception of the COVID-19 situation. However, this year represents a turning point, as the first drop in charter prices in history is now being recorded.