For the Easter holidays, the most visited destination in Croatia was Poreč

The extended Easter weekend and a rich program for all generations at Freedom Square attracted a large number of guests to Poreč, both domestic and foreign.


2. April 2024.

The extended Easter weekend and a rich program for all generations at Freedom Square attracted a large number of guests to Poreč, both local and foreign. According to official data from the eVisitor system and HTZ, Poreč was the most visited destination during these holidays.

In the period from March 28 to April 1, the Tourist Board of the city of Poreč registered almost 9 guests on its territory, who spent 30 nights. The most numerous guests were from Italy, Germany, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. Most of the guests during these holidays were accommodated in hotels, private and non-commercial accommodation.

"We are pleased with the achieved tourist results in the pre-season, although we were moderately optimistic, given that this year Easter falls 2 weeks earlier than last year. We believe that the achieved results are an excellent introduction to another good and stable tourist season. Despite the not-so-optimal weather, everything we shared the contents with our fellow citizens and dear guests, and our destination shone again with Easter decorations", says the director of the Tourist Board of the city of Poreč Nenad Velenik.

As a reminder, the entire entertainment and gastronomic program for Easter in Poreč was organized by the Tourist Board of the City of Poreč, the City of Poreč-Parenzo and the Tourism and Hospitality School of Anton Štifanić.

Porec Easter 2024 photo manuel paljuh tz porec 1

Porec Easter 2024 photo manuel paljuh tz porec 3
Photo: Manuel Paljuh, source: Tourist Board of Poreč

The mayor of Poreč, Loris Peršurić, expressed his satisfaction with the good response of locals and guests to the events prepared.

"Easter traditionally marks the beginning of the main tourist season in our city, and I am glad that this year we jointly organized such a rich and diverse celebration of Easter. The good tourist numbers will certainly continue, as we continue with the organization of the following events for City Day, The first of May, the jubilee Vinistra, along with numerous sports events that took place in March, and continue in the pre-season, the season, but also throughout the year.", the mayor concluded.

Cover photo: Manuel Paljuh, source: Tourist board of the city of Poreč


2. April 2024.