Awarded certificates of special standard "Pag na menu"

The labels were awarded to restaurants Na Tale and Na Katine, Wine&Chess bar Trapula from the area of ​​the city of Pag, and tavern Divlja maslina from the area of ​​Kolan.

Author  HrTurizam Promo

29. April 2023.

Pag on the menu, is a new great tourist story of Pag. It is a special standard "Pag on the menu" which aims to brand the local and regional eno and gastronomic offer of the island of Pag. 

In the Duke's Palace in Pag, the Pag gastronomic event was opened, on the menu of which awarded marks of a special standard of the traditional cuisine of the island of Pag - Pag on the menu.

Na Tale and Na Katine restaurants, Wine&Chess bar Trapula from the area of ​​the city of Pag and tavern Divlja maslina from the area of ​​Kolan received the labels.

Ljiljana Martinović and Vesna Karavanić, director of the Tourist Board of the City of Pag, informed the attendees about the Pag project on the menu. The winners were congratulated by Mihaela Kadija, director of the Zadar County Tourist Board, who emphasized the value of this project and supported Bartul Kašić Secondary School and the Tourist Board of the City of Pag, stating that the presentation of Zadar County's gastronomic offer is unimaginable without Pag.

The opening was attended by the president of the City Council, Jasna Magaš, the director of the Tourist Board of Kolan Municipality, Sabina Sabalić, and representatives of companies, city administration and institutions.

In the Duke's Palace, an exhibition of photos by the Pag Photo Club called Okus otoka-Oku S otoka was set up, and members of KUD Družina danced on Trg Petra Krešimir IV. Visitors could see and buy products from the Pag Saltworks, Pag cheese, the Benedictine monastery of St. Margarita and Cooperatives of Slaniška Secondary School of Bartul Kašić, which carry the label HOP - Croatian island product. Numerous guests and visitors also enjoyed Pag specialties at promotional prices in restaurants and taverns with Dalmatian klapa in jiro.

Pag kud druzina photo Vesna Fabijanic

Pag on the menu, photo of Vesna Fabijanic, known as the city of Pag 1

"Today, together with SŠ Bartul Kašić and representatives of catering establishments from the area of ​​the City of Pag and Kolan, we awarded certificates of a special standard of traditional cuisine of the island of Pag - Pag on the menu, which offers local, indigenous dishes and drinks and meets the prescribed criteria of public invitation. Tourist Board The City of Pag continuously works to promote the gastronomic offer, as evidenced by the numerous presentations of Pag brands and specialties, and the rich tradition and quality of Pag cheese, lamb, curd, salt, Baškotine, štrik, raffiola is recognized in Croatia and abroad. This is our motivation. that in cooperation with catering facilities, companies, OPGs, Bartul Kašić High School and other stakeholders, we continue to work on creating a recognizable and quality tourist product", she said Vesna Karavanić, director of the Tourism Board of the City of Pag, adding that the project "Pag on the menu" was created based on the long-term work of students and staff of Bartul Kašić Secondary School on the preservation and revitalization of the traditional cuisine of our island. Thus, in cooperation with the tourism boards of the entire island and the trade associations of Pag and Novalja, a special standard was created, which prescribes the conditions that applicants must fulfill in order to become holders of the certificate.

The goal of the standard/project is to promote the traditional gastronomy of the island of Pag based on the event and recipe booklet "Ca, cha, what used to be cooked on my island" of the Bartul Kašić High School Pag, which since 2007 has been retrieving somewhat neglected old island dishes from oblivion; promotion and raising the attractiveness of hospitality professions and preserving the intangible heritage of the island of Pag. Traditional island cuisine was branded with this standard, and the island of Pag got a new gastronomic product.

"After the awarding of the certificate, visitors could also visit the sales stand of our Student Cooperative Slaniška, where the hardworking cooperative members sold some of their products, the most interesting of which are our recipe booklet "Ca, cha, what used to be cooked on our island" and jewelry from Pag lace (both products are holders of the Croatian Island Product - HOP label) and to see the performance of some of our students in KUD Družina", concludes Karavanić. 

Holders of the "Page on the menu" label:

  • Area of ​​the City of Pag: Konoba Bile, Bodulo, Didova kuća, Restaurant Na Tale, Bistro Na Katine, Wine and cheese bar Trapula
  • Area of ​​Kolan Municipality: Konoba Bonaca, Figurica, OPG Prtorić and Divlja Maslina
  • Area of ​​the City of Novalja: Tavern Heavy

The gastronomic event Pag on the menu is organized by the Tourist Board of the City of Pag and under the auspices of the Tourist Board of Zadar County and Zadar County.

📸: Secondary School B: Kašića Pag and TZ Grada Pag

Author  HrTurizam Promo

29. April 2023.