The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has started the process e-counseling with the interested public Draft proposal of the rulebook on the methodology for calculating reception capacity, Draft proposal for a rulebook on the methodology of creating a destination management plan te Draft proposal of the rulebook on indicators for monitoring the development and sustainability of tourism.
1. Draft proposal rulebook on the methodology of calculation of reception capacity the receiving capacity of the destination is defined as the number of tourists who can visit the tourist destination at the same time, without causing unacceptable disruptions to the physical, economic and socio-cultural environment and a decrease in visitor satisfaction.
The reception capacity calculation is made by TZs that are partially or fully established in the territory of LGUs, which according to the ITR are classified into categories I and II. The level of the reception capacity reached shows the difference between the state and the set standards and an interval estimate of the number of visitors who are acceptable in the observed area. After the calculation, conclusions are made, which include an overview of the most important knowledge gained during the calculation reception capacity as and recommendations for mitigating the gap between the current situation and desirable/acceptable changes in selected indicators.
You can find the draft proposal of the mentioned rulebook on the following page connectors.
2. Draft proposal rulebook on the methodology of creating a destination management plan governs the area of creating a destination management plan, which is a planning document for the development of a sustainable destination. The rulebook prescribes the methodology for creating a destination management plan, involving key stakeholders, and creating a situation analysis and defining projects significant for the development of the destination. The destination management plan determines the direction of destination development in accordance with strategic planning acts, spatial plans, cultural property management plan and other valid plans and regulations.
You can find the draft proposal of the mentioned rulebook on the following page connectors.
3. Draft proposal rulebook on indicators for monitoring the development and sustainability of tourismand the indicators for calculating the tourism development index and the list of mandatory and specific indicators for monitoring sustainability are prescribed. You can find the draft proposal of the mentioned rulebook on the following page connectors.
In accordance with the provisions of the Act on Tourism, local self-government units are enabled to make decisions based on the created destination management plan and in accordance with spatial plans on the number, type and category of catering establishments and facilities where they are provided accommodation catering services as well as the decision of capacities of accommodation facilities in the destination while all decisions must be based precisely on calculation of reception capacities.
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