We continue to record various loud reflections on sustainable tourism throughout Croatia. The first goal is to reach 100 hr tourism espresso and thus focus on the broader concept of sustainable tourism, from different perspectives and stakeholders of the tourism sector. Because live tourism is much more than one definition.
After Denis Ivošević (TZ Istria County), Đura Tomljenović, Antonia Radić Brkan (City of Makarska), Jasmine Cvetković (Aurora Colapis), Milan Popović (TZ Umag), Ružica Vidaković (TZ Brod-Posavina County), Tomislav Kovačević (NP Plitvička jezera ) loud espresso thinking about sustainable tourism brings us Damir Habijan, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development.
hrturism espresso: Damir Habijan, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development
"I think the Plitvice Lakes are the best example of sustainable tourism. We know that ten years ago we had about 2 million tourists here. Now we heard the last data from last year that the number of tourists fell to one and a half million. Which is actually good data, as much as it may not sound like it, but it shows that Plitvice has realized that an increased and excessive number of tourists is not good. ", said Damir Habijan, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development.
In 30 seconds, while I make you an espresso, can you tell me what sustainable tourism is for you? Write what sustainable tourism is for you in the comments.
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