Investing in your employees pays off: more than 60 percent of seasonal workers return to work at Aminess

Domestic employees make up 70 percent of the workforce.


12. June 2024.

Aminess Hotels & Resorts, one of the leading and fastest growing tourism companies in Croatia, improves material rights and benefits of their own employee.

Aminess operates in eight tourist destinations along the Croatian coast, and in order to retain and attract new employees, they constantly invest efforts in numerous material and non-material benefits and rewards. That it pays to invest in employees is evidenced by how more than 60 percent of seasonal workers return to work in Aminess during the next season.

With a proactive approach to improving employee benefits and negotiations, salary bases increased are in the Aminess Group until 10 percent, and fees for travel expense are almost increased 15 place. In addition to the increase in income, Aminessa workers are still provided with non-material benefits such as top professional training for their positions, two hot meals a day and accommodation, a paid day off for the first day of school for parents whose children are starting first grade and a paid day off for women for Women's Day.

"By constantly monitoring the performance of employees and investing in their professional development, Aminess Hotels & Resorts strives to become a synonym for excellence in the hotel industry, which offers its employees, along with exceptional working conditions, continuous opportunities for professional development. We are currently in the top five employers in tourism, and our mission is to become a leader in the sector, recognized for superior care for employees and an exceptional work environment that encourages innovation and employee satisfaction." he stressed Mladen Radovanović, head of selection and recruitment at Aminess.

During 2024, Aminess Hotels & Resorts will invest 1,4 million euros more than last year in salaries, benefits and employee development

New project 82

For this year, it was also contracted five percent higher seasonal reward of 1.120 euros, which is paid to all employees over four months (from June to September) in equal amounts of 280 euros. The full Christmas bonus amounts to 600 euros, and the gift in kind is agreed up to 133 euros. The new contracted benefit applies to workers who do not use the employer's accommodation and is paid from November to February, in the amount of up to 200 euros.

Aminess continues with excellence award programs workers. During the year 2023 awarded is overall 211 employees department, 74 employees of the month and three employees of the year. The employees of the year won, in addition to the cash prize, a vacation for the immediate family of five nights on a half-board basis in any Aminessa facility. In total, about 36.000 euros were paid out – the best employee of the department receives 80 euros, the worker of the month 200 euros, and the worker of the season 1.327 euros.

In addition to excellence in the performance of work tasks, Aminess also rewards quality ideas for business improvement within the project AMI idea. The first prize is 1000 euros, the second 700 euros, and the third 400 euros. The project "Bring a friend"  Aminess rewards employees with 133 euros if they bring a friend or acquaintance who successfully gets a job and becomes part of the Aminess team.

Education and training of employees

At Aminess, great emphasis is placed on professional programs improvement and education, for which almost was allocated this year alone 200.000 euros. Aminess is most proud of 20 educations for the gourmet team, as part of the project Aminess Gourmet Lab, which includes over 150 employees. In addition to this and other internal education programs, the goal is to encourage all employees at Aminess to invest in themselves, strengthen their skills, cooperate,  talk and exchange their work experiences and to strengthen mutual relations.

Concrete numbers are proof of continuous investment - more than 60 percent of seasonal workers return to work in Aminess during the next season. The number of permanent employees is also increasing, which in 2024 is 17 percent more than in the previous year.

During 2023 domestic employees made up as much as 70 percent of the workforce of Aminess, along with employees of countries from regions figure exceeds 95 percent. The continuation of this good representation of the domestic and regional workforce is expected this year as well, because Aminess has proven itself as one of the most desirable employers in tourism with its programs.


12. June 2024.