"Today, we leave the keys under a code, the host does not get to know the guests - that's how we stop being hosts and open up a whole series of questions", Ivana Vladović, director of the Split-Dalmatia County TZ, pointed out in a conversation on the topic of sustainability in tourism and emphasized:
"Dalmatia is by its very nature self-sustaining. Every honest Dalmatian house has long had a black water heater in which you shower outside, there is a draft instead of air conditioning, a homemade stove... We have forgotten who we are."
The topic of sustainable tourism is much more than a mere definition and has many more dimensions. But it is precisely in the Split-Dalmatia County that we can single out positive examples.
There is one Green lineand the other Dalmatian brunch which we will talk about a little later. During the conversation, Vladović did an excellent job of pointing out the fact that it happens that guests come for something that we don't and that they have to correct the offer.
We create the narrative and the story of the destination - we are the narrators of the story.
Some of the guests come for a room and entertainment, they don't come for housekeeping and brunch, emphasizes Vladović and adds:
"It's a big job. In cooperation with SDŽ and their project Ambassadors of Tourism, we started branding family tourism, wanting to restore that intimacy and direct contact with the host, to show the Dalmatian way of life. Unfortunately, the rentierism that happened in the meantime is a big brake on that path, but let's not forget that the guests' habits have changed. Guests come to us for something that we don't have, because we offered it to them. We have adapted to the market as much as possible and we are slowly losing our authenticity - and that is our fault. We have to correct the quality of our offer. "