Presented communication and brand strategy of the outdoor offer of the island of Krk

Krk wants to extend the season with adventure tourism


4. April 2023.

The Tourist Board of the island of Krk presented in Rijeka a new communication and brand strategy for the outdoor offer of the island of Krk.

The strategy defined the core of the new brand "Krk Outdoor", its market position, personality and emotional benefits, which Krk offers to adventure tourists. A visual identity was designed and a detailed plan of communication activities was developed, with which they plan an additional extension of the season on the island and the realization of the common goal - quality, sustainable and responsible tourism.

On the eve of this year's Easter holidays, the interest of tourists in the island of Krk exceeds expectations, thanks to the popularity of the Croatian coast, but also due to a series of activities that tourist workers on the island undertake to extend the season.

Given that there is almost no room for growth in the heart of the season, the Tourist Board of the island of Krk, in cooperation with all other tourist boards on the island, is placing increasing emphasis on products whose main assets are not the sun and the sea.

"The island of Krk ended last tourist year with excellent results, which exceeded even the record year 2019, and with the new brand and communication strategy and planned activities, we have no reason not to believe that this year will be even better. Although we saw exceptional interest from tourists at all the fairs for Krk, we must carefully manage the growth of the number of tourists because we have already reached our maximum in the season. There is still room for growth outside the main season, and we do our best to offer our guests the best value for money and a quality stay. In the future, we want to focus on adventure tourism, because Krk has everything that such tourists are looking for, and with the strategy we have defined that segment of tourism as crucial for the sustainable growth of tourism on our island.", she pointed out Maja Shale, director of the Tourist Board of the island of Krk and added that the first large number of arrivals is expected precisely for Easter.

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"We expect the arrival of around 9,5 thousand guests and up to 36 thousand overnight stays during the four days of the Easter holidays. This is an increase of 10 percent compared to last year, when the Easter holidays were a week later. We have the opportunity to point out to all these guests everything we offer in the off-season, to our excellent transport connections, wonderful nature, gastronomy, cultural and historical heritage... so that they come to us all year round", she explained Maja Shale.

Active tourists are looking for exactly such an offer, and what role this group of guests can play in extending the season is best shown by the index that assesses the growth potential of adventure tourism, which ranks Croatia in first place in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The growth potential of an individual destination is monitored, updated and regularly published by the Adventure Travel Trade Association and George Washington University, which shows how popular Croatia is among tourists interested in adventure tourism (ATDI Index).

"We are extremely pleased with the cooperation with the Tourist Board of the island of Krk and all other stakeholders on the island because they recognized the moment, united and seriously approached the development of products and communication of adventure tourism. As the strategy has shown, the island has all the prerequisites for Krk to quickly become a leader outdoor of tourism in Croatia. When creating the strategy, all participants collaborated and gave their best, from tourist boards in destinations, to hoteliers, adventure tourism service providers, event organizers... to create a great new product and we are really proud to have been part of such a team.", said is Boris Lešić, director of Studio Conex, the author of the brand and communication strategy, and added that the strategy for the development of sustainable tourism in Croatia until 2030 is based on year-round, balanced, sustainable tourism that preserves the environment, space and climate.

On Krk, individual activities have already been designed to extend the season and attract more tourists, and now all tourist boards on the island will work together to make Krk the favorite choice of adventurers, as well as families who want to spend their vacation with children in nature. engage in one of the activities and, at the same time, get to know the history and rich culture of Krk.

Bicycle path baska baromalj jurandvor baska luka tabako 4
Photo: Luka Tabako

"Adventurous, that is outdoor tourism is one of the fastest growing selective forms of tourism and is significantly different from mass tourism because it attracts guests outside the main tourist season, enhances the off-season offer, highlights the natural beauty and cultural values ​​of the place where tourists stay. All that and much more Krk offers them", she concluded Maja Shale, pointing out that the greatest advantages of Krk are for development outdoor offer extremely good land, air and sea connections, as well as the fact that the island is blessed with a mild climate.

This makes it possible for tourists to engage in outdoor activities throughout the year, and the diversity of the terrain enables activities of different types, intensity and duration.

The entire outdoor offer is available on the new website, and the first local event is Krk Bike Story, followed by the eighth edition of the international race 4ISLAND MTB STAGE RACE (from April 18 to 22), a mountain bike race with the old one in Baška on Krk and the continuation on Rab, Cres and Lošinj.

This year, for the first time, two competitive teams from the island of Krk are participating in the race. At the same time, the Outdoor Weekend follows, from April 21 to 23 in Njivice and Omišlja, with three sports programs: Adria Spring Trail in Njivice, a leisurely walk around Omišlja, and on April 23 Epic Rides Njivice, a cycling event for recreationists, who they want to get to know the beauty of the island of Krk.

The island and city of Krk are hosting the CRO Race for the first time this year, at the start of the fifth royal stage, and will host some of today's greatest cyclists and teams. The international cycling race CRO Race is a top sporting event, and will be held from September 26 to October 1 in six stages of the competition throughout Croatia.

Cover photo: Luka Tabako
Photo source: Tourist board of the island of Krk


4. April 2023.