Career development in camping: Great interest in employment in the camping segment

Over 320 pupils and representatives of the interested public were included during the project "Career Development in Camping".


22. May 2023.

During the open days in the camp, the one-year project ended Career development in camping, which Camping Association of Croatia conducted with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. Over 320 students and representatives of the interested public were involved in various activities during the duration of the project.

The main goal of the project was promotion of occupations and employment in the tourism sector, with an emphasis on camping, and numerous program activities enabled direct contact between employers and potential employees, which proved to be an extremely successful combination. This is best evidenced by the great interest recorded on Open days, held in Camp Polari.

More than 160 pupils and students from secondary vocational schools and the Faculty of Economics and Tourism from the Istrian County attended the professional-educational tour of one of the best Croatian camps. In addition to the introductory information that the gathered received from representatives of human resources and camp management, the key segments of business in the camps were presented to the gathered during the tour, from reception business, catering and housekeeping to horticulture and animation in the camps.

Judging by the reactions of the participants, it was possible to conclude that the current quality of the camping offer, accompanied by very attractive working conditions, aroused a very high interest in employment exactly in that segment.

Career development in camping open days in camping 2

Career development in camping open days in camping 3

The final event was just a continuation of the previous activities, among which it should be highlighted guest lectures at selected schools and colleges, and the attendance of pupils and students from Šibenik-Knin County at 16. Camping to the Congress of Croatia, during which there was a round table on the topic of employment in tourism, a tour of the exhibition area, as well as individual conversations with representatives of the camping industry. The participants of the aforementioned events were thus given a unique opportunity to become more familiar with the very concept of the camps and to resolve any doubts and open questions.

It should be noted that it is part of the project a separate online platform "Camping career development – ​​everything you need to know" has also come to life. which provides a detailed insight into the rich knowledge base related to camping, such as statistical reports, insights into the organizational structure, job descriptions, benchmarking reports, regulations and more. It is the most comprehensive database about camping, which will surely make it easier to find relevant information for preparation of matriculation, final or graduation theses on the topic of camping, but also help in professional guidance future employees of this very promising and sustainable branch of Croatian tourism.

Of course, the realization of the project would not have been possible without the partners who were involved in it, therefore the Camping Association of Croatia would like to especially thank the Croatian Tourism Association, the Croatian Hospitality Employers' Association, Maistra dd, the Tourist Association of Istria County, the Eugen Kumičić Vocational School (Rovinj) and Faculty of Economics and Tourism Dr. Mijo Mirković (Pula).

With the support of the camping sector, partners and competent authorities, KUH is already preparing the second phase of the project aimed at continuing and upgrading the existing successful activities, as well as their expansion to other regions of the Republic of Croatia, with the aim of further stimulating interest in employment in camping and tourism in general.

Source and photo: Croatian Camping Association


22. May 2023.