"In the town on Bosut, let's remember the Vinkovci autumns as they were this year, Vinkovci were full for ten days, the streets were almost impassable, as shown by figures that have never been recorded before.", these are the words of the organizers of the Vinkovac autumns at today's media conference, which were presented by the president of the Organizing Committee of the 58th Vinkovac autumns and the mayor of Vinkovac Ivan Bosančić who did not miss the opportunity to praise all those who participated in the organization of this great event.
In the first 17 days of September this year, 38 more invoices were issued compared to the same period last year, which is an increase of 27%, and approximately 130 visitors visited the oldest European city during the event.
"I am extremely proud that everything was at the level organizationally, which is amply demonstrated by the fact that not a single incident was recorded, which is incredible if we take into account the number of people we had in the city. The Vinkova Autumns are a manifestation that brings together and represents the Croatian people, that cherishes the heritage of our ancestors and promotes the dignity and beauty of Croatian culture, and the 58th Autumns also passed in such a tone. said Bosancic.