The story behind the new tourist attraction in Benkovac - Tenkodroma

Former tankers of the former army used to be trained on the old training ground near Benkovac, and now it is just a useless rubble and a resource that is declining. But not for long because ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

4. October 2016.
Former tankers of the former army used to be trained on the old training ground near Benkovac, and now it is just a useless rubble and a resource that is declining. But not for long, because the Cooperative "Tenkisti Hrvatske Vojske" plans to turn the old and neglected training ground into a new tourist attraction - no less than a training ground for tourist tanks - Tenkodrom. Quality and different content is certainly imperat ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

4. October 2016.