One of the most visited weekends is behind us, and the peak season has just begun. Great interest is marked by an increased number of arrivals in Novalja as well, and the proof of this is the larger crowds at the ferry pier on the route Prizna - Žigljen.
Currently, around 20.000 guests are staying in the area of the city of Novalja, and tourist traffic is at the level of last year, he points out. Marina Rizner, director of TZG Novalja, and adds that looking at the same traffic in the time period from the beginning of the year to July 21, according to the records of the eVisitor system, in commercial accommodation there were 134.428 arrivals (+6%) and 729.856 overnight stays (+4%).
"Our traditional emission markets in the first place, Germany and Slovenia, still convincingly lead the first two places and have been loyal guests of the destination since the very beginning of the development of tourism in Novalja. This year, guests from Germany had 214.801 overnight stays, which is 8% less compared to the previous and this is a direct consequence of the recession in Germany, but at the same time there is an evident increase in the interest of guests from Slovenia (+6,88%), the Czech Republic (1,70%), Poland (24,53%) and Croatia (+12,06%). from accommodation facilities, guests are most looking for campsites, which at the same time record the best occupancy and where 7 guests are currently staying (last year, 407)." says Šćiran.
As for other accommodation facilities, hotels currently have 994 guests (last year 972), household facilities 8 guests (last year 866), other catering facilities 10 (last year 105).
On Saturday, one of the major festival events "Austria Goes Zrće" began, where, logically, the number of young guests from the Austrian broadcasting market increased considerably. It is certainly an interesting approach to a specific market.