Rise up this year's biggest entertainment event in Porec

Organizer Igor Cossetto and partners of the Rise Up Poreč Music Festival 2018 have announced the biggest music event this year in Poreč. That is how the P ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

4. July 2018.
Organizer Igor Cossetto and partners of the Rise Up Poreč Music Festival 2018 have announced the biggest music event this year in Poreč. Thus, the Poreč Peškera 6., 7. and July 8 will be the venue for one of today’s biggest stars Rita Ora. Rita Ora, Franka Batelić and DJ duo Vanillaz will perform on Saturday, July 7.7, while the Festival starts on Friday, July 6.7. with the performance of Mija Dimšić and Severina. Utak ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

4. July 2018.