As part of the coordinated inspections supervision of the tourist pre-season and season in the period from June 03 to August 04, 2024, a total of 2.239 inspections were carried out throughout the Republic of Croatia, according to the State Inspectorate.
Tourist, sanitary, market, agricultural, veterinary, construction, labor inspectors (in the field of labor relations and occupational safety), water inspectors, nature and environmental protection inspectors, and mining and pressure equipment inspections participate in coordinated inspections.
Out of the total number of inspections carried out (2.239), in 838 inspections, no violations of regulations were found, that is, in 37,4% of inspections, operations were found to be in accordance with regulations, while in 1.401 (62,6%) inspections, a total of 2.572 violations of regulations were found. .
Pursuant to the powers from Article 73 of the Law on the State Inspectorate, in 572 cases (22,3%) where a violation of regulations was found, the inspectors applied the principle opportunities, that is, they made it possible to correct the identified irregularity within the given deadline, without starting a misdemeanor procedure.
For the remaining part of the identified irregularities, the inspectors submitted 76 indictments to the competent courts for the initiation of misdemeanor proceedings, issued 191 misdemeanor orders, with the fact that in 13 cases, they confiscated illegally acquired property benefits and collected 801 fines at the place of the misdemeanor.
The most frequent violations of regulations found by tourist inspectors relate to deficiencies in compliance prescribed minimum conditions regarding the arrangement and equipment of facilities. In the reporting period, tourist inspectors also carried out 403 inspections of unregistered providers of catering services in households - illegal renters. A total of 339 inspections were carried out in accordance with the received reports / petitions, which indicate nregistered provision of catering services in the household, and 58 inspections were carried out according to the applications received from the Tourist Boards.
In 134 inspections, a violation of the regulations was found, and 31 oral decisions were made on the prohibition of unregistered provision of services in the household, 36 oral decisions on the prohibition of advertising the unregistered provision of services in the household. Also, for established violations of the regulations, 72 indictments were submitted to the competent courts for initiation of misdemeanor proceedings, and 62 misdemeanor orders were issued.
In 53 inspections of swimming pools, the sanitary inspection has so far issued 6 decisions and initiated 5 misdemeanor proceedings.
The shortcomings were related to not controlling the healthiness of the water according to the prescribed dynamics at the Institute of Public Health, not keeping the prescribed documentation and not keeping plans for washing, cleaning and disinfection of swimming pools. In relation to the inspections carried out in the area of food safety control, the sanitary inspection noted in the inspections that entities in the food business do not carry out internal controls by testing microbiological cleanliness and food sampling and do not have an established traceability food of animal origin.
Out of the total number of inspections for the reporting period, the labor inspection in the field of labor relations performed a total of 694 inspection inspections, of which 382 have been completed, and 312 inspection inspections are ongoing due to fact-finding. A total of 136 administrative measures were adopted, of which 75 refer to decisions under to the Law on Suppression of Undeclared Work - it was established that 119 workers (of which 59 Croatian citizens and 60 citizens of third countries, mostly from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nepal, Serbia) worked for 71 employers performing tasks with the characteristics of an employment relationship, who were not registered for mandatory pension insurance before the start of work.
49 employers were prohibited from performing their activities for a period of 30 days, because it was determined that third-country nationals without residence and work permits or work registration certificates were working for the employers. Decisions were made in relation to 90 workers (mostly citizens of North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Nepal).
Out of the total number of inspections for the reporting period, the labor inspection in the field of occupational safety performed 459 inspections, of which 133 were completed, and another 326 inspections are ongoing. 1.093 administrative measures were adopted (temporary removal from the workplace of workers for whom the employer cannot provide evidence of ability to work in a safe manner and fulfillment of the prescribed conditions, ban on the use of defective work equipment and personal protective equipment, examination of work equipment, examination of working environment parameters, the obligation to ensure the availability of prescribed documentation to workers at the workplace, creating a risk assessment, organizing first aid for workers at the workplace) and 313 fines were imposed at the place of the offense (the majority of employers' offenses related to employers' obligations related to the preparation of a risk assessment and the availability of an assessment at place of work).
Through inspections, the market inspection determined the performance of unregistered activities by natural persons as well as the advertising of unregistered activities by natural persons, failure to display the retail price, and the agricultural inspection in some cases determined that the food was not marked with all the prescribed information (the list of ingredients was missing). Irregularities found by the environmental protection inspection related to improper handling of waste, failure to maintain prescribed documentation on waste, i.e. records on the origin and flow of waste.
Photo: State Inspectorate