The OVI index rose by 7,1 percent in March compared to the same month last year, while the average value of the index in the first three months of this year ...
Tag results: "ekonomski institut zagreb"
After a slowdown in April, the OVI index fell 10,9 percent in May from the same month last year. Seasonally adjusted value ...
After the weakening of labor demand in May and June, the OVI index in July indicates a recovery given the growth of the index of 1,9 percent in ...
The OVI index in October indicates relatively similar levels of labor demand as in previous periods, both on an annual and monthly basis.
The Institute of Economics Zagreb (EIZ) regularly publishes sector analyzes, ie a publication that monitors the situation and trends in various sectors, including tourism ...
Although the OVI index in December recorded growth both on an annual and monthly basis, the number of published online ads throughout 2019 is still somewhat ...
The Institute of Economics in Zagreb published the Sector Analysis for the Tourism Sector, and we enclose a short summary of the analysis. After excellent re ...
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb conducted the first comprehensive study on the impact of the pandemic on micro, small and medium enterprises in Croatia, which in 2020 ...
The new issue of the publication Sector Analysis from the workshop of the Institute of Economics Zagreb provides an overview of the main sectoral indicators and trends in ...
Of all the Mediterranean countries, Croatia is the most dependent on tourism
Sectoral analyzes are an online publication of the Zagreb Institute of Economics that monitors the state and trends and business events in the sectors: bioeconomy, chemistry...