Jadrolinija once again connects the Montenegrin port of Bar with the Italian Bari

International line Dubrovnik - Bari.

Author  HrTurizam.hr

24. December 2024.

Jadrolinija has signed a contract with Barska plovidba and will reconnect the Montenegrin port of Bar with the Italian port of Bari in 2025, as part of international lines Dubrovnik - Bari.

As before, the international line Bar - Bari was realized in partnership with Barska plovidba, which will act as a port agent and sell tickets for Jadrolinija's international lines.

This international line will be maintained by the flagship of the Jadrolinija fleet, the ship Dalmacija, which joined the fleet in the spring of 2024 and raised the Dubrovnik - Bari service to a new level. Dalmacija, the largest ship in the history of Jadrolinija, created the conditions for expanding the sailing schedule and reconnecting the port of Bar. Namely, Jadrolinija last connected Bar and Bari in 2022, and the line has shown good results and great tourist potential for years, which, with the arrival of the ship Dalmacija in the white fleet, can continue to develop.

Author  HrTurizam.hr

24. December 2024.