The Tourist Stories portal is celebrating its birthday: 2849 tourist stories are two years behind us

Tourist lifestyle portal -

Author  Mirjam Jukić

26. April 2022.

Two years ago, the lifestyle tourist portal was officially launched -  Tourist stories which currently have a database of 2849 published tourist stories, news and blogs.

In the mass of internet portals with similar content, we are distinguished by the fact that we are the only tourist news portal with a minimum of four tourist news a day news or stories from Croatia.

Content is created daily and makes us an editorial staff made up of journalists as well blogger who constantly join us and enrich our content.

Also special about this portal is the fact that we place special emphasis on continental tourism and we have created the most stories about continental destinations in Croatia and our text base is the largest database of content about Croatian tourist destinations and equally represented coastal and continental destinations.

Our readers are mostly women (61.4% women, 38,6% men). This data confirms the popular opinion that women decide on budgets in the house the most, including travel. We are giving our male readers a chance to fix the statistics by their next birthday. On social networks, the situation is the same and here we are mostly followed by women, who read more and follow travel.

We have the most readers aged 25 to 34, followed immediately by those aged 35 to 44. Which corresponds to the age of travelers and tourists, because this is the age that travels the most.



"From idea to realization is a long and thorny path. Everyone who has tried their hand at entrepreneurship and who continues to develop their entrepreneurial stories knows that. And especially in a highly competitive market such as the media market. That is why I am extremely proud that both portals are hrturizam .hr and, is sustainable and how they develop stably and well from year to year.The portal Tourist Stories has 2849 tourist stories from Lijepa and ours - this is the greatest wealth, and the database is expanding day by day. intended to promote Croatia as a tourist destination, we are glad to have more and more foreign readers, and thus meet two primary goals: the promotion of our tourism to domestic guests, as well as foreign emitting markets. " expires Goran Rihelj, founder of the portal HrTurizam i Turističke price.

Most readers are from Croatia, followed by the USA, Germany and Slovakia

Most of our readers come from Croatia (75,77%), followed by the United States, Germany and Slovakia in fourth place in these two years. Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Poland, Austria and Czechoslovakia follow.

The most read content is in Croatian, over 60 percent of the total number of clicks goes to Croatian (62,36%), and the second most read content on our portal is content in English, followed by German, Slovak, Slovenian and Polish. We remind you of the contents of the portal Tourist stories you can read in 15 languages.

You searched the most for trips around Zagreb, trips to the sea, suggestions for weekends and outdoor weddings.

Thank you for your trust and reading, if you have a story for us, send it to us at Thank you to our business partners for their trust and for creating interesting stories from their destinations together with us. If you want to be ours blogger contact us at

We look forward to new stories in our third year we have stepped into today.

Meet Lijepa naša with Tourist Stories

Mirjam Jukić, editor-in-chief of the Tourist Stories portal

Author  Mirjam Jukić

26. April 2022.