A new part of the promenade was opened in Osijek and the construction of a bicycle path began

Investors in the arrangement of the right bank of the Drava River, the City of Osijek and Hrvatske vode, received a Temporary Use Permit today, which created the conditions for ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

1. June 2017.
Investors of the right bank of the Drava River, the City of Osijek and Hrvatske vode, received a Temporary Use Permit today, which created the conditions for, after the technical inspection, this representative space to be formally left to the citizens to use. From the completed part of the right bank, ie the Promenade, from the old port of Transit (rkm 18 + 800) to the road bridge (rkm 19 + 300) (first section) ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

1. June 2017.