Tomislav Perko: Gone are the days when it was enough to just place an advertisement on television, today marketing is much more complex

You know that joke: Behind seven hills and seven seas, seven mountains and seven mountains, seven rivers and seven lakes, seven villages and seven forests… you know the sequel with ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

9. October 2017.
You know that joke: Behind seven hills and seven seas, seven mountains and seven mountains, seven rivers and seven lakes, seven villages and seven forests… you know the sequel yourself, but what I want to say is that experience is the greatest capital you carry or better it is not the diplomas and form that are important, but the content and experience. Be sure to educate yourself and finish college, but the most important thing is the content, not the form. Just famous ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

9. October 2017.