Kjell A. Nordström: Tourism has been hit hard and it will take years to recover. We will travel like cats

Kjell A. Nordström is one of the world's most influential authors and lecturers in the field of business, economics and the future of business, as well as the author of advice ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

8. April 2020.
Kjell A. Nordström is one of the world's most influential authors and lecturers in the fields of business, economics and the future of business, as well as the author of Soviet bestsellers such as Funky business and Karaoke Capitalism. In a video interview with Kjell A. Nordström conducted by Boris Trupčević, CEO of 24sata, the main topic was how the coronavirus will affect the entire economy, and Nordström set ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

8. April 2020.