Drinking water in Vodice polluted with faeces: Tourists flee, renters in despair

Tap water in one part of Vodice is mixed with faeces and the water is not drinkable, tourists leave Vodice, the hosts lose money, and Vodice with ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

27. July 2017.
Tap water in one part of Vodice has mixed with faeces and the water is not drinkable, tourists are leaving Vodice, the hosts are losing money, and Vodice is choking on the stench caused by faeces. For the third day in a row, residents and tourists of Vodice have no drinking water in the middle of the tourist season, and the problem arose in a nearby new building where an illegal well was illegally connected to the water supply ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

27. July 2017.