Investor seeks closed concession on maritime domain as a precondition for renovation of Haludovo hotel complex

Hotel complex Haludovo in Malinska from once the best symbol of our tourism to a mockery that has stood and fallen for decades. But finally some things ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

15. October 2018.
Hotel complex Haludovo in Malinska from once the best symbol of our tourism to a mockery that has stood and fallen for decades. However, finally some things are moving from the deadlock, ie there has been talk of activating this attractive property and the former symbol of the island of Krk. Namely, the Mayor of Malinska-Dubašnica, Robert Anton Kraljić, held a meeting with Mr. Ara A. Abramyan, President of Na ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

15. October 2018.