The best tourist season in Papuk Nature Park, as much as 30% more tourists this year

Papuk, the most beautiful mountain in Slavonia, and "flat" Slavonia has a mountain, is a favorite destination for hikers, hikers and tourists and from year to year ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

12. December 2017.
Papuk, the most beautiful mountain in Slavonia, and "flat" Slavonia has a mountain, is a favorite resort of hikers, hikers and tourists, and the number of tourists is growing year by year. One of the motives for coming is certainly the geological and biological diversity and rich cultural and historical heritage, as well as the fact that the Papuk Nature Park is the first Croatian geopark under the protection of UNESCO of great geological importance. In addition to that...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

12. December 2017.