A unique freshwater aquarium Aquatika opened in Karlovac

Croatia is one of the European countries with the richest ichthyofauna and flora in Europe, and precisely in the city of Karlovac, as a city on four rivers (Buy, Kor ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

22. October 2016.
Croatia is one of the European countries with the richest ichthyofauna and flora in Europe, and in the city of Karlovac, as a city on four rivers (Kupa, Korana, Mrežnica and Dobra) is located a unique and special freshwater aquarium Aquatika - a unique aquarium concept that gives visitors a feeling a real journey by river - from its source, through the underground to the mouth. Public institution AQUATI ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

22. October 2016.