'Zen Opuzen: Rocket Center' art festival begins

From the 1st to the 3rd of July, the Neretva Valley, more precisely the town of Opuzen itself, for the second time in a row will become the home of many artists and occasional travelers united ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

29. June 2016.
From the 1st to the 3rd of July, the Neretva Valley, more precisely the town of Opuzen, will for the second time in a row become home to many artists and occasional travelers united with the same goal - to revive this town and have fun. The goal of the festival itself is to bring life back to this almost forgotten city and encourage people to become active in the community. This year, 'Zen Opuzen' is thematically dealing with space ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

29. June 2016.