Valamar and Plava laguna presented the project of connecting and networking family farms in the Vukovar-Srijem County

At the end of last week, the delegation of Agro-klaster doo held a working meeting in Tar-Vabriga with representatives of the city of Novigrad and the municipality of Tar-Vabriga ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

14. May 2018.
At the end of last week, the delegation of Agro-klaster doo held a working meeting in Tar-Vabriga with representatives of the city of Novigrad and the municipality of Tar-Vabriga, as well as the most important hotel and catering companies from Istria. Thus, the project of connecting and networking family farms in the Vukovar-Srijem County was presented to the well-known hotel companies Valamar and Plava laguna, with the aim of ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

14. May 2018.