Bicycle race Little Paris - Klakar 2018 as an excellent example of the development of cycling tourism

Mali Pariz - Klakar is being held in Slavonski Brod this year as well, the traditional 9th ​​time. Bicycle race, sound name Little Paris - Klakar, conceived ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

7. September 2018.
Mali Pariz - Klakar is being held in Slavonski Brod this year as well, the traditional 9th ​​time. The bicycle race, with the sound name Little Paris - Klakar, was conceived as a ride by amateur cyclists and cyclists in part of Brod-Posavina County. The name was conceived as a humorous association at the Paris-Dakar motorcycle race to make it easier to remember, while the goal is to promote the continental part of the Republic of Croatia ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

7. September 2018.