Dragan Šimac: It is wrong not to have employees involved in the goals and in what is being done

The reputation of the tourism industry as an employer is the key to success

Author  HrTurizam.hr

12. September 2023.

In tourism, people are by far the most important resource.

Goran Rihelj wrote an article in HrTurizam.hr about the relationship of employers and managers towards employees which have an impact on tourism. He said that working in tourism without days off is not and should not be normal.

/ / / Working without days off in tourism is not and should not be the industry standard!

Looking more globally, I am of the opinion that I support this sense with the aim of putting that part on the list of obligations, and not on the wish list, so that in the next season everyone will be as satisfied as possible with the results and development, and so that everyone will have the greatest possible effect on the whole tourism growth and the contribution of overall expectations.

Measuring the right thing in the right way is for my notion an indication that we must imperatively take care of human factor because people are the key link in the development, creation and overall success of tourism and the community itself. 

Acquisition trust people and theirs keeping, they are key to the success of our organization, as well as the preparation of new generations for cooperation in achieving common goals. 

Giving employees (students) hope and opportunities to show their talents so that they are already recognized and involved in development and growth is of great importance for the development of our tourism. Which means we have to find every possible opportunity to increase the active participation of our employees that leads to maximum involvement, passion and win win opportunities.

During my career I have had the opportunity to see how wrong it is not to have employees involved in goals and in what is done.

People's feeling that they are being taken advantage of and disrespected, and their dissatisfaction was essentially reduced to zero, according to loss of interest i evacuation predominantly experienced employees in an environment where they are trusted and inspired, until today when recruitment, recognition of virtues (selection) and retention of talents becomes more and more risky and strategically critical.

One of the most important principles in human nature is the desire to be appreciated and if we are going to be completely honest only with ourselves, then the point of this post is that all of us who work with people should think about reputation, that we must be directly involved and take responsibility more seriously in protecting our employees, and creating and developing staff in an environment where employees feel psychologically safe - because at the end of the day, the variable we are looking for are People!

Author Dragan Šimac, GM

Gallery: Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Author  HrTurizam.hr

12. September 2023.