Eurostat: 28% of Europeans cannot afford a 7-day holiday

For many people in the European Union (EU), summer means holidays and travel. However, it is estimated that 28,3% of the EU population over the age of 16 would not m ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

10. August 2019.
For many people in the European Union (EU), summer means holidays and travel. However, it is estimated that 28,3% of the EU population over the age of 16 could not afford a one-week holiday away from home in 2018. Among the 28 EU Member States, the countries with the highest share of individuals in this situation were Romania (58,9% ), Croatia (51,3%, provisional data), Greece (51%) and Cyprus (51,0%, provisional sub ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

10. August 2019.