New amendments to the Ordinance on income tax - higher per diems and non-taxable payments of food and accommodation costs

As of September 1, 2019, amendments to the "Income Tax Ordinance" will enter into force. The most important novelties are related to the increase of the non-taxable amount of d ...

2. September 2019.
As of September 1, 2019, amendments to the "Income Tax Ordinance" will enter into force. The most important novelties are the increase in the non-taxable amount of per diem for business trips and field work in the country. Instead of the previous 170 kuna, the new amount of non-taxable full daily allowance is 200 kuna, while half of the daily allowance will be 85 kuna instead of 100 kuna. We would like to remind you that the full amount of non-taxable daily allowance ...
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2. September 2019.