A contract was signed for the development of a Management Plan for the monumental ensemble of the City of Dubrovnik

The City of Dubrovnik, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb and the Institute for the Reconstruction of Dubrovnik have signed an Agreement on the execution of services for the preparation of the Management Plan ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

3. August 2019.
The City of Dubrovnik, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb and the Institute for the Reconstruction of Dubrovnik have signed an Agreement on the execution of services for the preparation of the Management Plan for the monumental ensemble of the City of Dubrovnik. The management plan is a planning document based on which a framework for the management of the World Heritage Site "Old Town of Dubrovnik" is created in order to preserve and improve the properties of the extraordinary ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

3. August 2019.