From now on, meteorological conditions in NP "Krka" are available in real time

From now on, you can better plan your visit to the "Krka" National Park thanks to meteorological measurements available in real time. Cars...


23. December 2023.

From now on, you can better plan your visit to the "Krka" National Park thanks to meteorological measurements available in real time. 

Automatic weather stations are set up at Skradinski buk i Eco Campus "Krka" in Puljani. Data from these stations, equipped with sensors for measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure, wind direction and speed, amount of precipitation, solar radiation and UV index, enrich the meteorological database. In addition, they are transmitted in real time to the collection center via the communication unit with the solar system.

"These modern and professional meteorological stations allow us to see the current weather conditions in the Park. The information they collect is stored in databases, from which weather changes can be monitored on a monthly and yearly basis. Data obtained from them will be able to be compared with average values, i.e. it will be possible to determine deviations caused by climate change", Said the director of the Public Institution" Krka National Park "Nella Slavica and added:"Using this tool, a better representation of weather phenomena in microlocations will be obtained, which is extremely important for the local population engaged in agriculture or animal husbandry, therefore we believe that better monitoring of weather and climate in this area will contribute to more efficient management of resources. " 

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The growing need for meteorological data in real time has led to the modernization of measurements by introducing automatic measurement of meteorological phenomena.

Automatic meteorological measurement systems combine the need for continuous recording of data on basic meteorological elements and their transfer to the database. Measurements and observations and the collection and processing of meteorological data are performed according to strictly defined rules that ensure their consistency according to place and time. The data obtained at two automatic measuring stations in the "Krka" National Park will contribute to a more precise measurement of weather phenomena not only in individual microlocations on its territory, but also in wider zones, that is, in a wider geographical area. 


23. December 2023.