Presented EU project "InterWine": development of a joint and sustainable wine destination in Croatia and Slovenia

In Velika Gorica, on Monday, a presentation of the important EU project "InterWine: Combining cultural heritage and wine tourism to create sustainable...


23. September 2024.

In Velika Gorica, on Monday, a presentation of the important EU project "InterWine: Combining cultural heritage and eno-tourism to create a sustainable cross-border destination" was held, the total value of which is EUR 1.383.080,02, and it was co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development through the cross-border cooperation program Interreg Slovenia-Croatia.

This project connects seven partners from Croatia and Slovenia with the main goal of developing an innovative tourist product that combines the cultural heritage and tradition of winemaking and viticulture, thus encouraging sustainable development and tourist attractiveness of the region.

Director of the Tourist Board of Zagreb County and head of the InterWine project Ivana Alilović she emphasized the importance of this project for the further development of the region and the strengthening of its tourist identity: "The InterWine project represents an excellent opportunity to connect our cultural and oenological values ​​and promote them on the European market. Through the synergy between Croatia and Slovenia, we are creating a sustainable tourism product that will contribute to the development of local communities and economic growth. This initiative will open the door not only to tourists, but also to local producers who will have the opportunity to present their wines and cultural heritage to a wider audience.".

The InterWine project includes three key areas – Velika Gorica, Pušća and Brežice in Slovenia, where the rich cultural heritage and wine tradition of these areas will be presented through specially equipped rooms. The InterWine premises will serve as a gathering place for local wine producers and cultural workers, encouraging the tourism development of the region.

Support of local government and project partners

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"Thanks to this project, Velika Gorica will have the opportunity to stand out as a destination that offers a combination of tradition, culture and food and wine. The InterWine project not only strengthens the tourist offer of our region, but also creates opportunities for the sustainable continuation of tourism, which we have been talking about a lot lately. We are proud to be part of this cross-border initiative that connects our community with regions from neighboring Slovenia. With this space, which will be arranged through the project, we continue the arrangement of the historic center of our city", said the mayor of Velika Gorica and member of parliament Krešimir Ačkar who emphasized the importance of this project for the local community.

Mayor of Pušća Municipality Filip Bernardić he shared his satisfaction with the collaboration. "We are proud to participate in this cross-border project that will enrich the tourist offer of Pušće. We believe that the project will stimulate the further development of our wine tradition and enable local winegrowers to better position themselves on the market. This initiative not only strengthens the tourism offer, but also promotes sustainability and economic growth in rural areas", said Bernardić on the occasion of the presentation of the project.

Support for this significant EU project for the region was provided by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds Kristina Bilić and adviser to the minister in the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Igor Radić.

Cross-border cooperation as an example of a successful model for tourism development

In the panel discussion "How underdeveloped wine regions become attractive: creating a tourist product through wine tourism" the director of the Tourist Board of Zagreb County and head of the InterWine project Ivana Alilović, director of the Sector for Brand Development and Tourist Products of the Croatian Tourist Board Slavija Jačan Obratov, professor from the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor assistant professor Anja Mlakar, mayor of Pušća Municipality Filip Bernardić participated and head of the Department of Agriculture of the City of Velika Gorica, Marko Kos.

During the panel discussion, the five panelists pointed out that it is crucial to connect local winemakers, cultural heritage and tourist communities in order to create a unique tourism product. The panelists agreed that the sustainable development and integration of the wine and cultural offer can significantly contribute to the economic growth of smaller, and today extremely popular, rural regions.

The panel discussion concluded with a consensus that such projects will not only improve the local tourist offer, but also ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of destinations.

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The need for additional investments in infrastructure, education of local stakeholders and promotion of wine routes on international markets was highlighted. Joint work on cross-border projects like InterWine offers an excellent opportunity to improve wine tourism, create new jobs and strengthen the recognition of the region on a global level, among other things, the panelists concluded.

The InterWine project, which lasts 30 months, includes activities such as the development of new tourism products, education of key stakeholders and promotion of tourist destinations through online platforms and tangible elements.

Ultimately, the project aims to create recognizable tourist routes that connect the Croatian and Slovenian sides, using cultural and wine heritage as a central motif. The project partners will also create an "InterWine manual" and sign an Agreement on future cooperation in order to ensure the durability of the results and the continuation of cooperation after the end of the project.

Photo: Dražen Kopač


23. September 2024.