The Tax Administration sent a notice for all "small taxpayers" - lump sums on the basis of self-employment, on the issuance of invoices after the 1st s ...
Tag results: "porezna"
As of January 1, 2017, the threshold for taxpayers whose income from self-employment in agriculture and agriculture and forestry, the ratio ...
By the end of August, 15 million tourist arrivals were recorded, and in accordance with the record season, the control was strengthened, so this year it is recorded ...
As of April 1, 2019, with the entry into force of the State Inspectorate Act (OG 115/18), the Tourist Inspectorate operates as part of the central state ...
Through the conducted risk analyzes and procedures for monitoring the issuance and fiscalization of invoices, it was noticed that there is still a significant number of taxpayers who ...