"Farewell Evening" is not a farewell from Slavonia, but from a comfortable, boyish life

The opening ceremony of the Vinkovci Autumns is one, according to many, along with the March, the most attractive event of the autumn Vinkovci festivities and tradi ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

31. August 2016.
According to many, the opening ceremony of the Vinkovci Autumns is one of the most attractive events of the autumn Vinkovci festivities, and traditionally the script for it is written by prof. Ana Cvenić. Every year, the grand opening has a motto under which it is held, and this year it is "Farewell Evening". It is a bachelor party, and the spectators in front of the big stage in the center of Vinkovci and ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

31. August 2016.