HTZ announced the upcoming call for TOP events for 2025.


21. September 2024.

Announcements of calls for the allocation of funds to projects from the Fund for Associated Tourist Boards and the Fund for Tourism Underdeveloped Areas and the Continent were also announced.

Rovinj was held 37th session of the Tourist Council of HTZ as part of which decisions were adopted on the soon-to-be-announced call for marketing cooperation with the organizers TOP events in 2025, i.e. calls for the allocation of funds to projects of tourist boards from of the Fund for Associated Tourist Boards Fund for tourism underdeveloped areas and the continent.

According to the decisions of the session, an announcement is expected soon Public tender for the allocation of funds for the projects of the united tourist boards in 2025. as part of which all acceptable activities of the associated tourist boards will be presented in detail and precisely, while the available funds will be known in the first quarter of next year, given that they will be accumulated in the Fund throughout 2024, and they will consist of two percent of the total collected tourist tax and two percent of the total membership fee. In addition to the above, it will also be announced soon Public tender for the allocation of funds for regional tourism board projects in tourism-underdeveloped areas and continents in 2025. within which, of the total available funds, 50 percent is allocated for projects of regional tourist boards, and 50 percent for projects of local tourist boards.

Let's also add that at the session of the Tourist Council of HTZ, a decision was adopted on the selection and appointment of directors of the representative offices of the Croatian Tourist Board with headquarters in Munich and Seoul.


21. September 2024.