Josip Mikulić: The tourist season is in full swing. The corona pandemic has shown how resilient tourist demand is

The tourist season is in full swing! In the last 10 days, we have reached 89% of record-breaking nights in 2019, and 127% in 2020! Let's remember, at this time pro ...

Author  Josip Mikulić

6. August 2021.
The tourist season is in full swing! In the last 10 days, we have reached 89% of the record in 2019, and 127% in 2020! Recall, at this time last year, many wondered how the situation suddenly returned to normal. And from 1.7. to date, we have achieved as many as 103% (!) of the number of overnight stays we achieved in the entire first half of the record year 2019 (1.1.-1.7.2019.)! This data shows the number of ...
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Author  Josip Mikulić

6. August 2021.