After the positive promotional results achieved during the first two seasons of the campaign "Experience homework. Explore rural Croatia! ", Croatian tourist agency together with its partners, decided to dedicate the third season of the campaign to sustainability and sustainable ways of traveling, hence the new name of the campaign "Experience the local. Explore sustainable Croatia!".
Activities within this campaign intended for the domestic market will be carried out from mid-September to mid-November, while the main goal of the campaign is the promotion of sustainable destinations and sustainable means of travel.
"We ran this campaign for the first time in 2021, when the focus of the promotion was lesser-known destinations and localities in Croatian rural areas. After two years and positive feedback and results, we decided to keep the current format of the campaign, but at the same time put sustainability at the center of the promotion, i.e. the promotion of sustainable destinations, localities and products and services that are an important part of the increasingly popular sustainable travel. The above is aligned with the guidelines of the new Strategic Marketing and Operational Plan of Croatian Tourism, in which special emphasis is placed on sustainability" he said Kristjan Staničić, director of the CNTB, adding that sustainability implies taking care of the environment, destinations, and the local population.