If business travelers need to book a table at a restaurant, they can use websites or mobile apps. If you want to find a nearby museum, Google ...
Tag results "concierge"
What is the future of hotel concierge?
The golden key of the concierge was awarded to Gloria Luna Steiner from LRH
For the first time in Croatia, the world elite organization and the professional association of conciergeas Les Clefs d'Or awarded the golden keys to conciergei ...
Hotel in 13 stories: Concierge - an escape to Wonderland
Concierge - comte des cierges - in translation - candle keeper.
Three ladies write the history of concierge services in Croatia
Croatia currently has three representatives in the elite society Les Clefs d'Or: Sarah Buljat, Jasmina Huskić and Gloria Luna Steiner received their Golden Keys in 2021 and thereby entered the history of Croatian tourism.