The national plan for the development of sustainable tourism until 2027 is available on eConsultation

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MINTS) opened a consultation with the interested public on the Draft National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism until 20...


7. June 2023.

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MINTS) opened a consultation with the interested public Draft national development plan of sustainable tourism until 2027.

The National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism until 2027 is a medium-term strategic planning act defining the implementation of the strategic goals of the Strategy for the Development of Sustainable Tourism until 2030.

The purpose The National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism until 2027 is the implementation of the strategic goals and contributes to the achievement of the performance indicators of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026 and the key act of strategic planning for tourism. in 2030.

The National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism until 2027 defines ten special goals and concrete measures corresponding to them, which ensure the achievement of indicators of the outcome of the foreseen goals.

Part of the priority areas from the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy until 2030 are integrated and processed within the specified special goals, taking into account the fact that they are realized through the implementation of the foreseen measures or their realization is processed in separate documents. Accessibility is addressed in the National Plan for Equalizing Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities from 2021 to 2027 and the Action Plan for Equalizing Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities from 2021 to 2024. The issue of domestic and international connectivity, which is of high importance for tourism, is covered by acts of strategic planning in the field of transport.

There will be a lot of talk about it, so until then, first read and study the Draft National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism.

eConsulting: National plan for the development of sustainable tourism until 2027

The consultation is open until July 2, 7.


7. June 2023.