TZ Poreč implemented the project "Croatia is naturally yours" - 10 seedlings were planted

Each seedling is marked with the label "Croatia naturally yours" and entered into the "MapMy Tree" planting tracking application.


November 29, 2024

The Croatian Tourist Board has launched a project to encourage the development of sustainable tourism development "Croatia naturally yours" - "Croatia naturally yours", which aims to plant additional trees in tourist destinations in order to reduce the carbon footprint created by tourist activity, especially from exhaust gases from tourists' cars, which Croatia will contribute to the global fulfillment of the goals from the Glasgow Declaration on forests and land use, as well as encouraging the development of sustainable tourism and branding and promoting Croatia as a sustainable destination.

The tourist board of the city of Poreč got involved in this project, and as part of it, 10 saplings were planted, including linden trees, holm oaks and pine trees. New young trees were planted on the city beach of Materada Sjever in Sveti Martin bay, and the action was supported by the Poreč mayor Loris Peršurić and director of TZ Poreč Nenad Velenik.  

Photo: TZ Poreč

The seedlings were planted by the employees of the garden center "Ures doo" and they will be looked after by the employees of the utility company Usluga Poreč. The value of the seedlings is 1.348,29 euros, and the said amount was fully financed by HTZ funds.

Each seedling is labeled "Croatia naturally yours" - "Croatia naturally yours" and entered into the "MapMy Tree" planting monitoring application with the aim of unifying data on the planting of tree seedlings on a global level.

With this project, the Tourist Board of the city of Poreč once again confirms its commitment to preserving the environment, promoting sustainable development and improving the quality of life in the local community. The planted trees will be a lasting memory of this significant step towards a greener and more sustainable future of our city.

Cover photo: TZ Poreč


November 29, 2024