365 days 1625 stories in 15 languages ​​- the Tourist Stories portal is read by over half a million readers

On this day 365 days ago and 1625 stories and a lot of working hours, the Tourist Stories portal was launched. It is an opportunity to be the editor-in-chief and ...

Author  Mirjam Jukić

26. April 2021.
On this day 365 days ago and 1625 stories and a lot of working hours, the Tourist Stories portal was launched. This is an opportunity for me, as the editor-in-chief and co-owner of the portal, to look back briefly through a blog on the occasion of, for us, great anniversaries, the first year of the tourist lifestyle portal Tourist Stories. 5 and a half years ago, our founder Goran Rihelj launched the first professional B2B tourist portal HrTurizam.hr and o ...
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Author  Mirjam Jukić

26. April 2021.