Croatian delicacies "Dalmatian pancetta" and "Dalmatian pechenitsa" have received the European protected designation of geographical origin, the European co ...
Tag results: "zaštita"
The editorial staff of the portal wishes you a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
The tradition of Istrian sheep cheese production has survived in Istria for centuries despite social movements, war conflicts, depopulation and declining sheep numbers.
Croatia now has 35 agricultural and food products whose name is protected in the European Union
The law is in conflict with EU laws and will result in the creation of a megabase of sensitive personal data that the Spanish police will have at their disposal for an unlimited time
Prohibiting sun cream, staying too long, wearing flip flops and sandals, and taking selfies are some of the ways to control the behavior of visitors.
The buoys use the energy of the sun and turn on automatically when it gets dark.
Development, climate change and mass tourism threaten the beauty of Venice.
The new law restricts 'cruel animal tourism' in foreign destinations.
France has adopted a law that protects the rural way of life against occasional visitors.
Development projects in Finland take flying squirrels into account.