Tuna, Sushi & Wine Festival is great content for tourists. You have no interest? You are mistaken

We are constantly talking about quality content, especially in the pre- and post-season. One excellent tourist content is currently underway in Zadar, and it is the 5th Tuna ...

Author  HrTurizam Promo

12. April 2019.
We are constantly talking about quality content, especially in the pre- and post-season. One excellent tourist event is currently underway in Zadar, and it is the 5th Tuna, Sushi & Wine Festival 2019, which takes place from 05 to 14 April 2019. The festival is a combination and exchange of experiences of cultural, historical and natural resources of Croatia and Japan along with a gastronomic experience. This is a great opportunity to ...
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Author  HrTurizam Promo

12. April 2019.