The tourism market is experiencing major and rapid changes, so it is necessary to invest more in tourism products, in order to maintain their competitiveness. existing tourist products need to adequately meet the needs of modern tourists, so they need to be improved and their quality constantly raised.
But at the same time, it is necessary to work on thinking and creating new products that will expand into the tourist market and attract new guests. The biggest competitive advantage today is in innovation.
Audio tourism it is a new subspecies cultural tourism even today it is considered one of the most recent changes in the field of world tourism. Can audio tourism contribute to the creation of new values, tourism products and the repositioning of destinations in the tourism market?
Music and sound as tourist products are indispensable and widely used in tourism, and the development of cultural tourism is becoming an increasingly important tourist asset. These are specific tourist products that are mostly related to entertainment, ie those that encourage positive experiences among tourists.
Music and sound tourist products also appear in marketing expressions, mostly in the function of destination promotion. Sound and music are exceptional tourist contents and are a popular part of the products and services of almost every tourist offer, but for now they are mostly limited to cultural tourism, where music and sound are considered through the prism of tourist attractions within folklore and tradition.
In tourism practice, music and sound management as a marketing tool is mainly reduced to individual solutions. One example of a successful auditing practice is certainly work Tourist boards of Bol, which additionally represents a destination with music and attracts guests.
"Beach Zlatni rat is in itself a bait for recording videos - it is a symbol of Bol and the island of Brač, but also of Croatia. We have built our entire verbal-visual identity right on the beach Zlatni rat as a symbol of the Adriatic, and the audio branding of the destination is just an upgrade in that sense. We first took this more seriously in that direction five years ago with 2Cellos, who recorded a video for Vangelis ’song‘ Chariots of Fire ’on the beach. That video has garnered nearly 8 million views so far. This was followed by a collaboration with world-famous pianist Lola Astanova, who recorded a video for her song 'Inspirit' at the War, and at the time of the crown we started collaborating with our famous cellist Ana Rucner, who considers Brač her second home and has been coming to us since early childhood. We recorded 7 short musical stories with her at that time - Bol Rhapsody ", he explained Markito Marinkovic, director of TZ Bola.
The activities of TZ Bol thus confirm the thesis that the segment of sound and music management can be successfully included in the process of reconception of the integral product of the destination.
Bol is one of the most popular destinations on the Adriatic and has traditionally successfully occupied the interests of tourists for most of the year, and audio tourism has the potential to strengthen their competitiveness and be an additional success factor in tourism by branding islands as destinations for multisensory experiences.
The development of their latest tourist audio product is also on that track Marinkovic says: "After the 'Bolshevik Rhapsody', we agreed to complete the story of summer. Ana Rucner traditionally holds a concert with the first rays of the sun on the first day of summer at the Dubrovnik fortress Srđ - 'Greetings to the Sun'. We wondered: why not one of the most beautiful beaches in the Adriatic and the Mediterranean, after sunset, on the last day of summer, the sun said 'Adio!' traditional. "
Music and sound have thus taken over not only the function of enhancing the experience, but also the representation of the identity and value of the destination through an increasingly widespread promotional form - a sound trademark or audio brand.
In this sense, it is interesting that the recording of the anthem of the European Union - Beethoven'sOdu radosti ' - performed by Ana Rucner at the Golden War, Croatian MPs distributed to all their colleagues in the European Parliament promoting Bol. The Bol Tourist Board is announcing new recordings and additional activities on the audio branding of the destination, and as the next path of development they see the possibility of recording feature film material, following the example of Dubrovnik, Split and some other places on our coast.
The main goal of implementation is audio management achieving a unique experience in the process of reconcepting the offer and promotion based on sustainable development and indigenous values. Although audio management may seem like a side topic to some, in fact, sound is an important segment of every destination - what surrounds us every day, and most of the time we are not even aware of it.
Photo: Pixabay
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