Dubrovnik introduced a fine for inappropriately dressed tourists in the historic center

At yesterday's session of the Dubrovnik City Council, amendments to the Decision on Communal Order were adopted, which enabled the punishment of all those who do not ...

Author  HrTurizam.hr

26. July 2016.
At yesterday's session of the Dubrovnik City Council, amendments to the Decision on Communal Order were adopted, which enabled the punishment of all those who are inappropriately dressed in public areas in the historic center of Dubrovnik. Everyone who walks down Stradun in a bathing suit, without clothes or part of their clothes, will be fined HRK 1.000, ie HRK 500 if the fine is paid on the spot. As much as it will be on this ...
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Author  HrTurizam.hr

26. July 2016.